Sunday, February 01, 2009

4th quarter

I'm expecting to be disappointed by the 4th quarter. But that also means that it could be the most exciting quarter of all time. How many things that I've expected to be disappointed by have I been disappointed by? 100 percent. That's what would make a Cardinals comeback so remarkable.

Well once again something great happened for the Cardinals that was taken back by a penalty.

If something doesn't happen soon this could be the worst super bowl i've ever seen.

Speaking of which, these Super Bowl ads have been predictably horrible. I think I used to like the Super Bowl ads, but that might just be because I used to be very young. I haven't enjoyed them for many years.

Ho hum. The steelers are going to punt. fuck me. here comes some bullshit.

If he doesnt just start throwing up bombs to larry fitzgerald then he's a fucking nog.

All of the sudden shit is getting interesting.

Fuck me arizona just took a timeout. God I officially hate Vizio and their condescending announcer. This is going to take a lot more beer. Oh okay thank the fuck god. that was a pttsburgh timeout. kjdfslgkjsdklgsd;lfgsdlfjglksdfgksfgsljlsdgjlf FUCK YYOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU TOUCHDOWN FITZGERALD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCKJ YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

well hulu just had a disturbing and fucking stupid ad starring alec baldwin.

I haven't seen a 1 second commercial for miller high life yet. thats disappointing.

holy fuck its 4th down. cardinals have achance! cardinals have a chance! fuck me in the asshole! the cardinals have a chance!


I've been spending my whole life listening to john madden tell me that they usually catch the 2nd guy in a skirmish. HOLY FUCK 99 YARD PLAY!!!!!!!

I am officially nervous. 3rd and 20. Come on jesuss. pick kurt. well, i want to die...for the time being.

OK pitt on their own one. 2nd and ten. come the fuck on. pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease. holy shit this is exciting,.looks like it could have been a safety. thanks for your help 58. 3rd and ten steelers from your own one. well im going to kill myself. 9ohohoijdfgkakghdfjkghdfgjg kjs d cu eufidiufhuidhudsfisfhjskfjksadhfjkasdhfkjsahdfjhsdfjhsdfjksdfkjdfkjhaskfasdf ghoholhlyl l thefuckkk shitiitttt

holy fucking the fuck guckukity shit. a safety. god i remember when biggie smalls used to eat sardines for dinner. here we fucking go. HERE WE FUCKING GO!!!!!!

FUCK EVERYTHING FUCK YOU FUCK YOUR MOTHER FUCK FUCK FUCKFU CK UF HOLY SHIT LARRY FITZGERLAD IS FUCKING JESUS CHRIST ASSHOLES DILDOS FRENCH KISSING FUUUUUUUCCCKKKK MEMEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

god dammit.

3rd quarter

I'm pretty disappointed with the way jesus christ decided to desert Kurt Warner at the last second of the first half of the fucking Super Bowl. Let's see if he(jesus christ) can redeem himself. Of course this week Ben Roethlisberger has been exposed as a pretty big jesus freak himself. That could be trouble. It's like that saved by the bell episdoe where kelly has to choose between slater and zack.

Okay, here we go. I'm cautiously not suicidal. A slow, controlled drive seems to be developing. Okay, I'm recklessly suicidal. They just called the world's dumbest pass by Warner a fumble. I don't blame them for wanting to apply the most pejorative term they have at their disposal to that pass, because it was fucking awful. But that was no fucking fumble.

Here's a mafia commercial that i bet is a verizon commercial. Nope, it's Denny's.

Okay. Incomplete pass. I still wish I were dead, but I'm not suicidal.

Kurt Warner is on the sidelines telling everyone who's not jesus to fuck off.

The new The Office that's coming on after the game looks great. I hope I'm not too hammered to understand the jokes when it comes on.


roughing the passer????? that was intentional the grounding!!! not roughing the passer!!!!! god i wish i were dead.

Okay it's 3rd and goal for the steelers. I guarantee that they will get a tocuhdown. fucking guaranteed. whewwwwwwwwww. ok. turns out i'm kf uc ufkcuf... oh my god i'm going to kill myself. fuck me jesus christ fuck me. i hate sports. personal foul on arizona. first down pittsburgh. jeeeeeeeeeeesus tippped pass, rolle almost got it. please fucking stop them... THEY FUCKING STOPPED THEM!!!!!!!!!! that is unfucking believable.

Okay. Brenda Warner not only is no longer a wire-haired gremlin, but she looks pretty fucking hot with long blond locks. I'm pretty perplexed by this.


Halftime has been a little gee so far. I wonder who it is exactly that gets to go down on the field and prance around like total assholes on the field as Bruce Springsteen plays a million songs that I've probably heard. Is it a mass exodus from the snack line? First come first to get to prance around like an asshole in the first row? The NFL seems too organized and corporate for that. However, it is nice to see Silvio playing some kind of guitar in that stupid head scarf thing. Silvio just declared that it's Boss time. Let's see what that means........ Hard to say. Pretty indistinguishable from the 10 minutes that preceded Boss time. Bruce just said he's going to Disneyland. That was stupid. Now John Goodman(I think) is telling me about the Toyota Tundra. What I'd really like is to see him smack the piss out of that smug fuck Howie Long.