Sunday, February 07, 2010

Super Bowl Live Blog-2nd quarter

They just ran two consecutive ads about not wearing pants. I guess that wasn't what they were about, exactly, but that was the gag, and they were both stupid. I wonder if they were juxtaposed deliberately for that reason. I find myself wondering why anyone anywhere ever found Super Bowl ads funny. I do have fond memories of the Bud Bowl, though. That was a good idea for sure.

Ah! An ad featuring sperm! However, the ad returned to a theme that I thought my colleague and I had successfully boycotted out of existence: being a man. That said, the ad did feature sperm.

I think it's worth noting that this is the first year in at least two years where one of the quarterbacks isn't an outspoken admirer of Jesus Christ. I don't really know what either of these quarterbacks think about Jesus Christ, but when you are an NFL quarterback and have favorable views of Jesus Christ, they tend to bubble to the surface. Also, Drew Brees seems too intelligent.

Okay, the New Orleans Saints are finally ON THE MARCH!!!! 2nd and goal. Let's see how they fuck this up. Ah! False start. That's a good start. I don't know who this Thomas guy is who plays runningback for the Saints, but I'm starting to like him.

Well I sure wish the Saints' stupid fucking 4th down call had scored a touchdown.

Okay, 10-6 at halftime. Oh! and they just said the halftime show would feature The Jew! Now this should be interesting.

Doritos seems to be working on eclipsing Bud Light for the title of Most Aggravating Super Bowl Advertiser. I think they're still a couple of years away, but keep an eye on them.

While my roommate and I suffer through the opening act for The Jew, we had a debate about how to pronounce Brett Favre's name. I told him that I'm all in favor of giving people some leeway on how to pronounce their own names but that pronouncing the letters out of order is just fucking insane. I've always been afraid to look it up though, in case there was some obscure reason why I was wrong, and then I'd have to stop being mad about it. So I finally bit the bullet and looked it up, and of course that's exactly what happened. Or so I thought. Here's the explanation: Understand that when people pronounce Favre as "Far -Ve," it is a linguistic phenomenon called "metathesis." Metathesis occurs when two neighboring sounds in a word switch places. Metathesis occurs with many words in English and other languages. Some examples in English include "comfortable" pronounced as "comfterble," "spaghetti" pronounced as "pasghetti," and "asterisk" pronounced as "asteriks."

This is their fucking explanation???? Granted I got it from, the stupidest website on the internet, but jesus christ. Some dumbass childish mispronunciations constitute a linguistic phenomenon??

Wow, did anyone else notice that they didn't ship in tons of prancing idiots to dance around The Who during the halftime show? Also, I think they should have brought Bruce Springsteen back this year to help promote their new show, Undercover Boss. Talk about Boss time!!!!


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