Thursday, June 01, 2006

Does this ever happen to anybody else?

Sometimes I'll be in the shower, washing the ol' self, and I'll totally forget what I've washed and what I haven't washed. I don't want to wash something twice, because I don't want to have dry skin, and I don't want to wash it zero times, because I smell bad enough as it is. So sometimes I'll try to go by if it feels greasy or not, but sometimes I'll end up convincing myself that a washed part feels as greasy as an unwashed part ought to, and I'll wash it again, only to discover my mistake later when my skin is dry as hell. So what can I do? I've tried to develop a routine, but it seems like as soon as I get in the shower my mind starts wandering and I'm just washing whatever strikes my fancy again. I think it's something about the hot water that makes me lose focus and stray from my goals. Like sometimes I'll go into the shower dead set on masturbating, but then as I'm turning off the water and stepping out I'll realize that I haven't masturbated a single time.


Blogger Blogadier General said...

Sometimes I'll use the bathroom, then brush my teeth instead of washing my hands. It might be the only time all week that I brush my teeth, but it still makes me pretty mad.

5:58 PM  
Blogger Blog Stevens said...


10:55 PM  

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